Week 6 - Becoming Adept at AI


    Chapter 6 of Surfing the Tsunami by Todd Kelsey covers how to become adept at AI and suggests that people should get involved in the development of such tools and encouraging you to learn more. I am for everyone always learning more the large caveat to his point is that the suggested ways of learning are from YouTube, games, and reading which might be good to learn how to code at a basic level but not necessarily help in developing AI. As a consumer your best bet is to provide feedback to companies, but this can only have a limited impact on what is actually done.

    To truly become adept at AI, one must go beyond basic coding tutorials and games. While these resources provide a foundational understanding, developing AI requires a deeper and more structured approach to learning. Advanced coursework, whether through online platforms like Coursera or formal education institutions, offers a more comprehensive understanding of AI principles, algorithms, and practical applications. Engaging in hands-on projects, contributing to open-source initiatives, and collaborating with experts in the field can significantly enhance one's skills and understanding. Immersing oneself in the AI community through conferences, forums, and professional networks is also crucial for staying updated on the latest advancements and best practices.

    Furthermore, the development of AI is an interdisciplinary effort that benefits from knowledge in various fields such as mathematics, data science, ethics, and domain-specific expertise. Understanding the ethical implications and potential biases in AI systems is as important as mastering the technical aspects. This holistic approach ensures that AI solutions are not only innovative but also responsible and aligned with societal values. Consumers, therefore, should advocate for more comprehensive educational resources that encompass these broader aspects, encouraging a more well-rounded development of AI proficiency.

    As consumers, while providing feedback to companies is valuable, it is indeed limited in scope. To influence AI development meaningfully, consumers can participate in public consultations, support policies promoting transparency and accountability in AI, and engage with organizations that advocate for ethical AI practices. By becoming more informed and active in these areas, consumers can help shape the development and deployment of AI technologies in ways that align with public interest and ethical standards. This proactive approach can lead to more responsible AI innovations that benefit society as a whole.


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